Mass Times

St. John Fisher Church
4225 Chichester Avenue, Boothwyn, Pa.
Father James Otto, Pastor

Sunday Vigil: Saturday 4:00 p.m.
Sunday Mass: 8:00, 9:30, 11:30 a.m.
Weekdays (Mon-Fri): 7:30 a.m. in the Church
Reconciliation: Saturday 3-3:45pm, Tuesday & Thursday 8am or by appointment

Google Map

Upcoming Events

  • Click the photo above to learn more.

Live Stream Mass at St. John Fisher

To watch the Sunday Vigil Mass celebrated at 4:00pm on Saturday at St. John Fisher, please click this link.

The link above can be used to watch the previously recorded Mass at your convenience until 11:00pm Sunday. You can also watch the video of the Mass directly on the parish Facebook page.  Follow us on Facebook at Saint John Fisher.

Recent Events - First Penance

Important News

On Sunday, January 5th, Archbishop Nelson Perez published a Pastoral letter about his hopes and 10 year plan for the Church of Philadelphia. Click the link below to read his letter and join a local info session to share your thoughts.

Alpha Film Series:

Episode 1 (Feb. 17)

Episode 2 (Feb. 24)

Episode 3 (March 3)

Episode 4 (March 17)

Why & How Do I Pray?

Episode 5 (March 23)

Why & How should I read the Bible?



Total Consecration to the Immaculate. Click the link below to see the intro video:

Youtube Intro Total Consecration

If you do not have the book, follow the videos in the link below:

Youtube - playlist class videos


  • Daily Mass, followed by the Recitation of the Rosary
    • Monday through Friday: 7:30am (Church)
  • Sacrament of Reconciliation (Church)
    • Saturdays: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM
  • Spiritual Reading Books: THE WORD AMONG US - This booklet contains readings for daily liturgies as well as reflections on the readings.
  • Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
    • Every Monday: 9:00 AM to 12 noon (Chapel)
    • Come spend some quiet time before Our Lord
  • Rosary: recited after all daily masses
  • Open Chapel: Monday 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM, Tuesday - Thursday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Friday 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM



The Mass book for the 4th quarter (October, November & December) 2025 will open on Thursday, May 8th.

Mass Intentions are accepted for most Sunday, Solemnities and daily Masses at the parish office during regular business hours.  Each Sunday, a Mass is offered for the "People of the Parish".  These are announced Masses as the intention is published in the bulletin and the intention is mentioned at Mass.

Unannounced Masses are also accepted.  These Masses are typically offered by priests at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary or missionary priests for the intention.

The recommended stipend for Announced or Unannounced Mass is $10.  As we are limited to taking intentions only one year in advance and with the many requests for Mass Intentions, we open the Mass book quarterly.

The quarterly openings for Mass Intentions are in July (for Jan.1 - March 31, next year); October (for Apr 1 - June 30, next year); January (for July 1 - Sept 30, same year); May (for Oct - Dec 31, same year). It is hoped that this is a fair and equitable systems to accommodate the needs of our parish family.


CARING FOR FRIENDS: If you are able to prepare an extra portion of your main meal, and package it in the provided containers, it will be used to help the needy senior citizens in our community.  Containers, foil, bags and content labels are available in the Parish Center Kitchen by the freezer.  Thank you! 

LIVE STREAMING MASS:  St. John Fisher Parish will continue to live-stream Mass through our website and facebook page.  Each week, Father will celebrate the 4:00pm Vigil Mass live.  It will be recorded and remain available on Facebook until 11:00 pm on Sunday.  If you choose to avoid public Mass, please continue to join us for Mass through our on-line streaming.   

WATCHING MASS AT HOME:  In addition to the Sunday Mass here at St. John Fisher, there are several other options for viewing Mass at home.  Click on any of the links below.   





  • Sun, Mar 23rd

  • Sun, Mar 16th

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm
(closed between noon and 1:00 for lunch)
Friday 8:30am - 1:30pm
Sunday 9:00am - 1:00pm

Online Giving

Click the button below to sign up for electronic giving.

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Holy Family Regional School

Click the logo to visit the Holy Family Regional School home page. Holy Family School Logo


Liturgical Ministry Schedule

Click the icon below for the current Ministry schedules for January Masses.

March Liturgy Schedule



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